Today, on March 8th, we are celebrating International Women's Day, a global occasion dedicated to honoring women's achievements. This year's theme, "Inspire Inclusion," highlights the importance of promoting and embracing diversity and equality in our society.
Women have faced numerous challenges throughout history, including the recent struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these obstacles, women have demonstrated resilience and strength, ensuring that life continues amidst difficult circumstances. As we face new wars on the horizon, the existence and security of
families once again heavily rely on the resourcefulness and dedication
of women.
As a self-employed mother of two bright, energetic boys, my husband and I
strive to instill in them a deep understanding of the challenges women
face and the resilience we embody. My life's journey differs in some
ways from the stereotypical role of a modern woman, which often leads me
to encounter challenges, disapproval, and misunderstanding, sadly
sometimes from other women and mothers. There was once an expectation
for women to stay home without exception and take care of the family's
well-being. Such expectations are now rightfully considered outdated and limiting. But has anything really changed, or have old stereotypes simply transformed into new ones, where women are expected to prioritize motherhood over a career, or even better, the superwoman is expected to excel at both?
In our household, we emphasize stories of diversity and overcoming adversity in our everyday conversations. Whether through bedtime tales or discussions about historical figures who broke barriers, we promote the idea that everyone is unique, and our differences should be celebrated rather than judged. We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance, regardless of societal stereotypes.
Teaching our children about empathy, equality, and the importance of inclusion is a priority. We see them growing with open minds and compassionate hearts, ready to champion positive change in the world. By instilling these values, we hope to contribute to a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or identity.
It is essential to continue these conversations and actions beyond International Women's Day, integrating them into our daily lives to create a more inclusive and equitable society for generations to come.