To see a bald-headed man, denotes that sharpers are to make a deal adverse to your interests, but by keeping wide awake, you will outwit them.
For a man to dream of a bald-headed woman, insures him to have a vixen for wife.
A bald hill, or mountain, indicates famine and suffering in various forms.
For a young woman to dream of a bald-headed man, is a warning to her to use her intelligence against listening to her next marriage offer.
Bald-headed babies signify a happy home, a loving companion, and obedient children.
A very satisfactory omen, if beautiful and gaily-dressed people are dancing to the strains of entrancing music. If you feel gloomy and distressed at the inattention of others, a death in the family may be expected soon.
Indicates infidelity in the marriage state; also failures in business, and quarrels and jealousies among sweethearts.
Blighted hopes and adversity come with this dream.
Business of every character will sustain an apparent falling off.
To ascend in a balloon, denotes an unfortunate journey.
To dream of bananas, foretells that you will be mated to an uninteresting and an unloved companion.
To eat them, foretells a tiresome venture in business, and self-inflicted duty.
To see them decaying, you are soon to fall into some disagreeable enterprise.
To trade in them, non-productive interests will accumulate around you.
Evil pursues the unfortunate dreamer. If you are banished
to foreign lands, death will be your portion at an early date.
To banish a child, means perjury of business allies.
It is a dream of fatality.
To dream of a banjo, denotes that pleasant amusements will be enjoyed. To see a negro playing one, denotes that you will have slight worries, but no serious vexation for a season.
For a young woman to see negroes with their banjos, foretells that she will fail in some anticipated amusement. She will have misunderstandings with her lover.
To see vacant tellers, foretells business losses. Giving out gold money, denotes carelessness; receiving it, great gain and prosperity.
To see silver and bank-notes accumulated, increase of honor and fortune.
You will enjoy the highest respect of all classes.
Denotes partial collapse in business, and weakening of the brain faculties.
A warning to leave speculations alone.
To see one's country's banner floating in a clear sky, denotes triumph over foreign foes. To see it battered, is significant of wars and loss of military honors on land and sea.
It is good to dream of a banquet. Friends will wait to do you favors. To dream of yourself, together with many gaily-attired guests, eating from costly plate and drinking wine of fabulous price and age, foretells enormous gain in enterprises of every nature, and happiness among friends.
To see inharmonious influences, strange and grotesque faces or empty tables, is ominous of grave misunderstandings or disappointments.
To see bantam chickens in your dream, denotes your fortune will be small, yet you will enjoy contentment. If they appear sickly, or exposed to wintry storms, your interests will be impaired.
To dream of baptism, signifies that your character needs strengthening by the practice of temperance in advocating your opinions to the disparagement of your friends.
To dream that you are an applicant, signifies that you will humiliate your inward self for public favor.
To dream that you see John the Baptist baptizing Christ in the Jordan, denotes that you will have a desperate mental struggle between yielding yourself to labor in meagre capacity for the sustenance of others, or follow desires which might lead you into wealth and exclusiveness.
To see the Holy Ghost descending on Christ, is significant of resignation to duty and abnegation of self.
If you are being baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, means that you will be thrown into a state of terror over being discovered in some lustful engagement.
To dream of tending a bar, denotes that you will resort to some questionable mode of advancement.
Seeing a bar, denotes activity in communities, quick uplifting of fortunes, and the consummation of illicit desires.
To dream of a barber, denotes that success will come through struggling and close attention to business. For a young woman to dream of a barber, foretells that her fortune will increase, though meagerly.
To wander in the night barefoot with torn garments, denotes that you will be crushed in expectation, and evil influences will surround your every effort.
The dreamer will obtain his highest desires, and every effort will be crowned with success. Decay in anything denotes loss.
For a man to dream of a barmaid, denotes that his desires run to low pleasures, and he will scorn purity.
For a young woman to dream that she is a barmaid, foretells that she will be attracted to fast men, and that she will prefer irregular pleasures to propriety.
If well filled with ripe and matured grain, and perfect ears of corn, with fat stock surrounding it, it is an omen of great prosperity. If empty, the reverse may be expected.
To see a barometer in a dream, foretells a change will soon take place in your affairs, which will prove profitable to you. If it is broken, you will find displeasing incidents in your business, arising unexpectedly.
See Cask.
To see baseball in your dream, denotes you will be easily contented, and your cheerfulness will make you a popular companion.
For a young woman to dream that she is playing baseball, means much pleasure for her, but no real profit or comfort.
To dream that you are in a basement, foretells that you will see prosperous opportunities abating, and with them, pleasure will dwindle into trouble and care.
See Cellar.
For a young woman to dream of bathing in a basin, foretells her womanly graces will win her real friendships and elevations.
To dream of seeing or carrying a basket, signifies that you will meet unqualified success, if the basket is full; but empty baskets indicate discontent and sorrow.