

To see twine in your dream, warns you that your business is assuming complications which will be hard to overcome.

See Thread.

To dream of seeing twins, foretells security in business, and faithful and loving contentment in the home.

If they are sickly, it signifies that you will have disappointment and grief.

To see type in a dream, portends unpleasant transactions with friends. For a woman to clean type, foretells she will make fortunate speculations which will bring love and fortune.

To dream that you are affected with this malady, is a warning to beware of enemies, and look well to your health.

If you dream that there is an epidemic of typhoid, there will be depressions in business, and usual good health will undergo disagreeable changes.

To dream that you are ugly, denotes that you will have a difficulty with your sweetheart, and your prospects will assume a depressed shade.

If a young woman thinks herself ugly, she will conduct herself offensively toward her lover, which will probably cause a break in their pleasant associations.

To see an ulcer in your dream, signifies loss of friends and removal from loved ones. Affairs will remain unsatisfactory.

To dream that you have ulcers, denotes that you will become unpopular with your friends by giving yourself up to foolish pleasures.

To dream of carrying an umbrella, denotes that trouble and annoyances will beset you.

To see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity.

To borrow one, you will have a misunderstanding, perhaps, with a warm friend.

To lend one, portends injury from false friends. To lose one, denotes trouble with some one who holds your confidence.

To see one torn to pieces, or broken, foretells that you will be misrepresented and maligned.

To carry a leaky one, denotes that pain and displeasure will be felt by you towards your sweetheart or companions.

To carry a new umbrella over you in a clear shower, or sunshine, omens exquisite pleasure and prosperity.

If you see your uncle in a dream, you will have news of a sad character soon.

To dream you see your uncle prostrated in mind, and repeatedly have this dream, you will have trouble with your relations which will result in estrangement, at least for a time.

To see your uncle dead, denotes that you have formidable enemies.

To have a misunderstanding with your uncle, denotes

that your family relations will be unpleasant, and illness will be continually present.

To dream of being in an underground habitation, you are in danger of losing reputation and fortune.

To dream of riding on an underground railway, foretells that you will engage in some peculiar speculation which will contribute to your distress and anxiety.

See Cars, etc.

To dream that you are undressing, foretells, scandalous gossip will overshadow you.

For a woman to dream that she sees the ruler of her country undressed, signifies sadness will overtake anticipated pleasures. She will suffer pain through the apprehension of evil to those dear to her.

To see others undressed, is an omen of stolen pleasures, which will rebound with grief.

To dream that you are unfortunate, is significant of loss to yourself, and trouble for others.

To see a uniform in your dream, denotes that you will have influential friends to aid you in obtaining your desires.

For a young woman to dream that she wears a uniform, foretells that she will luckily confer her favors upon a man who appreciated them, and returns love for passion. If she discards it, she will be in danger of public scandal by her notorious love for adventure.

To see people arrayed in strange uniforms, foretells the disruption of friendly relations with some other Power by your own government. This may also apply to families or friends. To see a friend or relative looking sad while dressed in uniform, or as a soldier, predicts ill fortune or continued absence.

To see a United States mail box, in a dream, denotes that you are about to enter into transactions which will be claimed to be illegal.

To put a letter in one, denotes you will be held responsible for some irregularity of another.

To dream of meeting unknown persons, foretells change for good, or bad as the person is good looking, or ugly, or deformed.

To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you.

See Mystery.

To dream that you are supporting an urgent petition, is a sign that you will engage in some affair which will need fine financiering to carry it through successfully.

To dream of a urinal, disorder will predominate in your home.

To dream of seeing urine, denotes ill health will make you disagreeable and unpleasant with your friends.

To dream that you are urinating, is an omen of bad luck, and trying seasons to love.

To dream of an urn, foretells you will prosper in some respects, and in others disfavor will be apparent. To see broken urns, unhappiness will confront you.

To find yourself a usurer in your dreams, foretells that you will be treated with coldness by your associates, and your business will decline to your consternation.

If others are usurers, you will discard some former friend on account of treachery.

To dream that you are a usurper, foretells you will have trouble in establishing a good title to property.

If others are trying to usurp your rights, there will be a struggle between you and your competitors, but you will eventually win.

For a young woman to have this dream, she will be a party to a spicy rivalry, in which she will win.

To dream of being vaccinated, foretells that your susceptibility to female charms will be played upon to your sorrow.

To dream that others are vaccinated, shows you will fail to find contentment where it is sought, and your affairs will suffer decline in consequence.

For a young woman to be vaccinated on her leg, foreshadows her undoing through treachery.

To dream that you are a vagrant, portends poverty and misery. To see vagrants is a sign of contagion invading your community. To give to a vagrant, denotes that your generosity will be applauded.

To dream that you are sending valentines, foretells that you will lose opportunities of enriching yourself.

For a young woman to receive one, denotes that she will marry a weak, but ardent lover against the counsels of her guardians.

To find yourself walking through green and pleasant valleys, foretells great improvements in business, and lovers will be happy and congenial. If the valley is barren, the reverse is predicted. If marshy, illness or vexations may follow.

To dream of a vapor bath, you will have fretful people for companions, unless you dream of emerging from one, and then you will find that your cares will be temporary.