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upright meaning:
Death, Change, Transformation, Alteration for the worse
reversed meaning:
Death just escaped, Partial change, Alteration for the better.
Click to read the description of Death
![Ace of Wands]()
Ace of Wands
a.k.a. Ace of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Birth, Commencement, Beginning, Origin, Source
reversed meaning:
Persecution, Pursuits Voilence, Vexation, Cruelty, Tyranny.
Ace of Wands
![Ace of Cups]()
Ace of Cups
upright meaning:
Feasting, Banquet, Good Cheer
reversed meaning:
Change, Novelty, Metamorphosis, Inconstancy.
Ace of Cups
![Ace of Coins]()
Ace of Coins
a.k.a. Ace of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Perfect Contentment, Felicity, Prosperity, Triumph
reversed meaning:
Purse of Gold, Money, Gain, Help, Profit, Riches.
Ace of Coins
![Ace of Swords]()
Ace of Swords
upright meaning:
Triumph, Fecundity, Fertility, Prosperity
reversed meaning:
Embarrassment, Foolish and Hopeless Love, Obstacle, Hindrance.
Ace of Swords
![Two of Wands]()
Two of Wands
a.k.a. Deuce of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Riches, Fortune, Opulence, Magnificence, Grandeur
reversed meaning:
Surprise, Astonishment, Event, Extraordinary Occurrence.
Two of Wands
![Two of Cups]()
Two of Cups
a.k.a. Deuce of Cups
upright meaning:
Love, Attachment, Friendship, Sincerity, Affection
reversed meaning:
Crossed desires, Obstacles, Opposition, Hindrance.
Two of Cups
![Two of Coins]()
Two of Coins
a.k.a. Deuce of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Embarrassment, Worry, Difficulties
reversed meaning:
Letter, Missive, Epistle, Message.
Two of Coins
![Two of Swords]()
Two of Swords
a.k.a. Deuce of Swords
upright meaning:
Friendship, Valour, Firmness, Courage
reversed meaning:
False Friends, Treachery, Lies.
Two of Swords
![Three of Wands]()
Three of Wands
a.k.a. Three of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Enterprise, Undertaking, Commerce, Trade, Negotiation
reversed meaning:
Hope, Desire, Attempt, Wish.
Three of Wands
![Three of Cups]()
Three of Cups
upright meaning:
Success, Triumph, Victory, Favourable issue
reversed meaning:
Expedition of business, Quickness, Celerity, Vigilance.
Three of Cups
![Three of Coins]()
Three of Coins
a.k.a. Three of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Nobility, Elevation, Dignity, Rank, Power
reversed meaning:
Children, Sons, Daughters, Youths, Commencement.
Three of Coins
![Three of Swords]()
Three of Swords
upright meaning:
A Nun, Separation, Removal, Rupture, Quarrel
reversed meaning:
Error, Confusion, Misrule, Disorder.
Three of Swords
![Four of Wands]()
Four of Wands
a.k.a. Four of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Society, Union, Association, Concord, Harmony
reversed meaning:
Prosperity, Success, Happiness, Advantage.
Four of Wands
![Four of Cups]()
Four of Cups
upright meaning:
Ennui, Displeasure, Discontent, Dissatisfaction
reversed meaning:
New Acquaintance, Conjecture, Sign, Presentiment.
Four of Cups
![Four of Coins]()
Four of Coins
a.k.a. Four of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Pleasure, Gaiety, Enjoyment, Satisfaction
reversed meaning:
Obstacles, Hindrances.
Four of Coins
![Four of Swords]()
Four of Swords
upright meaning:
Solitude, Retreat, Abandonment, Solitary, Hermit
reversed meaning:
Economy, Precaution, Regulation of Expenditure.
Four of Swords
![Five of Wands]()
Five of Wands
a.k.a. Five of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Gold, Opulence, Gain, Heritage, Riches, Fortune, Money
reversed meaning:
Legal proceedings, Judgment, Law, Lawyer, Tribunal.
Five of Wands
![Five of Cups]()
Five of Cups
upright meaning:
Union, Junction, Marriage, Inheritance
reversed meaning:
Arrival, Return, News, Surprise, False projects.
Five of Cups
![Five of Coins]()
Five of Coins
a.k.a. Five of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Lover or Mistress, Love, Sweetness, Affection, Pure and Chaste Love
reversed meaning:
Disgraceful Love, Imprudence, License, Profligacy.
Five of Coins
![Five of Swords]()
Five of Swords
upright meaning:
Mourning, Sadness, Affliction
reversed meaning:
Losses Trouble (same signification, whether reversed or not.)
Five of Swords
![Six of Wands]()
Six of Wands
a.k.a. Six of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Attempt, Hope, Desire, Wish, Expectation
reversed meaning:
Infidelity, Treachery, Disloyalty, Perfidy.
Six of Wands
![Six of Cups]()
Six of Cups
upright meaning:
The Past, passed by, Faded, Vanished, Disappeared
reversed meaning:
The Future, that which is to come, Shortly, Soon.
Six of Cups
![Six of Coins]()
Six of Coins
a.k.a. Six of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Presents, Gifts, Gratification
reversed meaning:
Ambition, Desire, Passion, Aim, Longing.
Six of Coins
![Six of Swords]()
Six of Swords
upright meaning:
Envoy, Messenger, Voyage, Travel
reversed meaning:
Declaration, Love proposed, Revelation, Surprise.
Six of Swords
![Seven of Wands]()
Seven of Wands
a.k.a. Seven of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Success, Gain, Advantage, Profit, Victory
reversed meaning:
Indecision, Doubt, Hesitation, Embarrassment, Anxiety.
Seven of Wands
![Seven of Cups]()
Seven of Cups
upright meaning:
Idea, Sentiment, Reflection, Project
reversed meaning:
Plan, Design, Resolution, Decision.
Seven of Cups
![Seven of Coins]()
Seven of Coins
a.k.a. Seven of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Money, Finance, Treasure, Gain, Profit
reversed meaning:
Disturbance, Worry, Anxiety, Melancholy.
Seven of Coins
![Seven of Swords]()
Seven of Swords
upright meaning:
Hope, Confidence, Desire, Attempt, Wish
reversed meaning:
Wise Advice, Good Counsel, Wisdom, Prudence, Circumspection.
Seven of Swords
![Eight of Wands]()
Eight of Wands
a.k.a. Eight of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Understanding, Observation, Direction
reversed meaning:
Quarrels, Intestine disputes, Discord.
Eight of Wands
![Eight of Cups]()
Eight of Cups
upright meaning:
A fair Girl, Friendship, Attachment, Tenderness
reversed meaning:
Gaiety, Feasting, Joy, Pleasure.
Eight of Cups
![Eight of Coins]()
Eight of Coins
a.k.a. Eight of Pentacles
upright meaning:
A dark Girl, Beauty, Candour, Chastity, Innocence, Modesty
reversed meaning:
Flattery, Usury, Hypocrisy, Shifty.
Eight of Coins
![Eight of Swords]()
Eight of Swords
upright meaning:
Sickness, Calumny, Criticism, Blame
reversed meaning:
Treachery in the Past, Event, Accident, Remarkable Incident.
Eight of Swords
![Nine of Wands]()
Nine of Wands
a.k.a. Nine of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Order, Discipline, Good Arrangement, Disposition
reversed meaning:
Obstacles, Crosses, Delay, Displeasure.
Nine of Wands
![Nine of Cups]()
Nine of Cups
upright meaning:
Victory, Advantage, Success, Triumph, Difficulties surmounted
reversed meaning:
Faults, Errors, Mistakes, Imperfections.
Nine of Cups
![Nine of Coins]()
Nine of Coins
a.k.a. Nine of Pentacles
upright meaning:
Discretion, Circumspection, Prudence, Discernment
reversed meaning:
Deceit, Bad faith, Artifices, Deception.
Nine of Coins
![Nine of Swords]()
Nine of Swords
upright meaning:
An Ecclesiastic, a Priest, Conscience. Probity, Good Faith, Integrity
reversed meaning:
Wise distrust, Suspicion, Fear, Doubt, Shady character.
Nine of Swords
![Ten of Wands]()
Ten of Wands
a.k.a. Ten of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Confidence, Security, Honour, Good Faith
reversed meaning:
Treachery, Subterfuge, Duplicity, Bar.
Ten of Wands
![Ten of Cups]()
Ten of Cups
upright meaning:
The Town wherein one resides, Honour, Consideration, Esteem, Virtue, Glory, Reputation
reversed meaning:
Combat, Strife, Opposition, Differences, Dispute.
Ten of Cups
![Ten of Coins]()
Ten of Coins
a.k.a. Ten of Pentacles
upright meaning:
House, Dwelling, Habitation, Family
reversed meaning:
Gambling, Dissipation, Robbery, Loss.
Ten of Coins
![Ten of Swords]()
Ten of Swords
upright meaning:
Tears, Affliction, Grief, Sorrow
reversed meaning:
Passing Success, Momentary Advantage.
Ten of Swords
![Page of Wands]()
Page of Wands
a.k.a. Knave of Sceptres
upright meaning:
A Good Stranger, Good News, Pleasure, Satisfaction
reversed meaning:
Ill News, Displeasure, Chagrin, Worry.
Page of Wands
![Page of Cups]()
Page of Cups
a.k.a. Knave of Cups
upright meaning:
A fair Youth, Confidence, Probity, Discretion, Integrity
reversed meaning:
A Flatterer, Deception, Artifice.
Page of Cups
![Page of Coins]()
Page of Coins
a.k.a. Knave of Pentacles
upright meaning:
A dark Youth, Economy, Order, Rule, Management
reversed meaning:
Prodigality, Profusion, Waste, Dissipation.
Page of Coins
![Page of Swords]()
Page of Swords
a.k.a. Knave of Swords
upright meaning:
A Spy, Overlooking, Authority
reversed meaning:
That which is unforeseen, Vigilance, Support.
Page of Swords
![Knight of Wands]()
Knight of Wands
a.k.a. Knight of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Departure, Separation, Disunion
reversed meaning:
Rupture, Discord, Quarrel.
Knight of Wands
![Knight of Cups]()
Knight of Cups
upright meaning:
Arrival, Approach, Advance
reversed meaning:
Duplicity, Abuse of Confidence, Fraud, Cunning.
Knight of Cups
![Knight of Coins]()
Knight of Coins
a.k.a. Knight of Pentacles
upright meaning:
A useful Man, Trustworthy, Wisdom, Economy, Order, Regulation
reversed meaning:
A brave Man, but out of Employment, Idle, Unemployed, Negligent.
Knight of Coins
![Knight of Swords]()
Knight of Swords
upright meaning:
A Soldier, a man whose profession is arms, Skilfulness, Capacity, Address, Promptitude
reversed meaning:
A conceited fool, Ingenuousness, Simplicity.
Knight of Swords
![Queen of Wands]()
Queen of Wands
a.k.a. Queen of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Woman living in the country, Lady of the Manor, Love of Money, Avarice, Usury
reversed meaning:
A good a virtuous Woman, but strict and economical, Obstacles, Resistance, Opposition.
Queen of Wands
![Queen of Cups]()
Queen of Cups
upright meaning:
A fair Woman, Success, Happiness, Advantage, Pleasure
reversed meaning:
A Woman in good position, but intermeddling, and to be distrusted; Success, but with some attendant trouble.
Queen of Cups
![Queen of Coins]()
Queen of Coins
a.k.a. Queen of Pentacles
upright meaning:
A dark Woman, a generous Woman, Liberality, Greatness of Soul, Generosity
reversed meaning:
Certain Evil, a suspicious Woman, a Woman justly regarded with Suspicion, Doubt, Mistrust.
Queen of Coins
![Queen of Swords]()
Queen of Swords
upright meaning:
Widowhood, Loss, Privation, Absence, Separation
reversed meaning:
A Bad Woman, ill-tempered and bigoted, Riches and Discord, Abundance together with Worry, Joy with Grief.
Queen of Swords
![King of Wands]()
King of Wands
a.k.a. King of Sceptres
upright meaning:
Man living in the country, Country Gentleman, Knowledge, Education
reversed meaning:
A naturally good but severe man, Counsel, Advice, Deliberation.
King of Wands
![King of Cups]()
King of Cups
upright meaning:
A fair Man, Goodness, Kindness, Liberality, Generosity
reversed meaning:
A Man of good position, but shifty in his Dealings, Distrust, Doubt, Suspicion.
King of Cups
![King of Coins]()
King of Coins
a.k.a. King of Pentacles
upright meaning:
A dark Man, Victory, Bravery, Courage, Success
reversed meaning:
An old and vicious Man, a Dangerous Man, Doubt, Fear, Peril, Danger.
King of Coins
![King of Swords]()
King of Swords
upright meaning:
A Lawyer, a Man of Law, Power, Command, Superiority, Authority
reversed meaning:
A Wicked Man, Chagrin, Worry, Grief, Fear, Disturbance.
King of Swords