

To dream of setting a table preparatory to a meal, foretells happy unions and prosperous circumstances.

To see empty tables, signifies poverty or disagreements.

To clear away the table, denotes that pleasure will soon assume the form of trouble and indifference.

To eat from a table without a cloth, foretells that you will be possessed of an independent disposition, and the prosperity or conduct of others will give you no concern.

To see a table walking or moving in some mysterious way, foretells that dissatisfaction will soon enter your life, and you will seek relief in change.

To dream of a soiled cloth on a table, denotes disobedience from servants or children, and quarreling will invariably follow pleasure.

To see a broken table, is ominous of decaying fortune.

To see one standing or sitting on a table, foretells that to obtain their desires they will be guilty of indiscretions.

To see or hear table-rapping or writing, denotes that you will undergo change of feelings towards your friends, and your fortune will be threatened. A loss from the depreciation of relatives or friends is indicated.

To dream of tacks, means to you many vacations and quarrels.

For a woman to drive one, foretells she will master unpleasant rivalry.

If she mashes her finger while driving it, she will be distressed over unpleasant tasks

To dream of tadpoles, foretells uncertain speculation will bring cause for uneasiness in business. For a young woman to see them in clear water, foretells she will form a relation with a wealthy but immoral man.

To dream of seeing only the tail of a beast, unusual annoyance is indicated where pleasures seemed assured.

To cut off the tail of an animal, denotes that you will suffer misfortune by your own carelessness.

To dream that you have the tail of a beast grown on you, denotes that your evil ways will cause you untold distress, and strange events will cause you perplexity.

To dream of a tailor, denotes that worries will arise on account of some journey to be made.

To have a misunderstanding with one, shows that you will be disappointed in the outcome of some scheme.

For one to take your measure, denotes that you will have quarrels and disagreements.

To dream that you wear a talisman, implies you will have pleasant companions and enjoy favors from the rich. For a young woman to dream her lover gives her one, denotes she will obtain her wishes concerning marriage.

To dream of talking, denotes that you will soon hear of the sickness of relatives, and there will be worries in your affairs.

To hear others talking loudly, foretells that you will be accused of interfering in the affairs of others. To think they are talking about you, denotes that you are menaced with illness and disfavor.

To dream of tallow, forebodes that your possessions of love and wealth will quickly vanish.

To dream of a tambourine, signifies you will have enjoyment in some unusual event which will soon take place.

To dream of a tank, foretells you will be prosperous and satisfied beyond your expectations. To see a leaking tank, denotes loss in your affairs.

To dream of a tannery, denotes contagion and other illness. Loss in trade is portended.

To dream that you are a tanner, denotes that you will have to engage in work which is not to your taste, but there will be others dependent upon you.

To buy leather from a tannery, foretells that you will be successful in your undertakings, but will not make many friends.

To dream of tape, denotes your work will be wearisome and unprofitable. For a woman to buy it, foretells she will find misfortune laying oppression upon her.

To dream of seeing rich tapestry, foretells that luxurious living will be to your liking, and if the tapestries are not worn or ragged, you will be able to gratify your inclinations.

If a young woman dreams that her rooms are hung with tapestry, she will soon wed some one who is rich and above her in standing.

To dream you see a tapeworm, or have one, denotes disagreeable prospects for health or for pleasure.

If you see tar in dreams, it warns you against pitfalls and designs of treacherous enemies.

To have tar on your hands or clothing, denotes sickness and grief.

To see a tarantula in your dream, signifies enemies are about to overwhelm you with loss. To kill one, denotes you will be successful after much ill-luck.

To dream of a target, foretells you will have some affair demanding your attention from other more pleasant ones. For a young woman to think she is a target, denotes her reputation is in danger through the envy of friendly associates.

To see tassels in a dream, denotes you will reach the height of your desires and ambition. For a young woman to lose them, denotes she will undergo some unpleasant experience.

To see your body appearing tattooed, foretells that some difficulty will cause you to make a long and tedious absence from your home.

To see tattooes on others, foretells that strange loves will make you an object of jealousy.

To dream you are a tattooist, is a sign that you will estrange yourself from friends because of your fancy for some strange experience.

To dream that you pay your taxes, foretells you will succeed in destroying evil influences rising around you. If others pay them, you will be forced to ask aid of friends. If you are unable to pay them, you will be unfortunate in experiments you are making.

To dream that you are brewing tea, foretells that you will be guilty of indiscreet actions, and will feel deeply remorseful.

To see your friends drinking tea, and you with them, denotes that social pleasures will pall on you, and you will seek to change your feelings by serving others in their sorrows.

To see dregs in your tea, warns you of trouble in love, and affairs of a social nature.

To spill tea, is a sign of domestic confusion and grief.

To find your tea chest empty, unfolds much disagreeable gossip and news.

To dream that you are thirsty for tea, denotes that you will be surprised with uninvited guests.

To dream of teacups, foretells that affairs of enjoyment will be attended by you. For a woman to break or see them broken, omens her pleasure and good fortune will be marred by a sudden trouble. To drink wine from one, foretells fortune and pleasure will be combined in the near future.

To dream you see a teakettle, implies sudden news which will be likely to distress you. For a woman to pour sparkling, cold water from a teakettle, she will have unexpected favor shown her.

To dream that you are in tears, denotes that some affliction will soon envelope you.

To see others shedding tears, foretells that your sorrows will affect the happiness of others,

To find yourself teasing any person while dreaming, denotes that you will be loved and sought after because of your cheerful and amiable manners. Your business will be eventually successful.

To dream of being teased, denotes that you will win the love of merry and well-to-do persons.

For a young woman to dream of being teased, foretells that she will form a hasty attachment, but will not be successful in consummating an early marriage.