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Night under the stars: Perseid observation

The local astronomical society hosted a Perseid meteor shower observation on outskirts of near hills, and just the mention of shooting stars filled me with excitement.

When we arrived at the field, which a local farmer had kindly offered, we were greeted by the fresh smell of cut grass. It felt like stepping into a magical space between dreams and reality. The air was warm, people were scattered around, speaking softly, as if they didn't want to break the quiet enchantment of the night.

The lecturer set up a telescope and used a laser to point out distant galaxies. I was amazed to learn that Earth once rotated so quickly that days were only six hours long and that in a million years, our galaxy will collide with a larger one. It made me feel both awestruck and small. I wondered if humanity would still exist then, given how civilizations often self-destruct. It was funny to hear the lecturer call Earth "the remote part of the galaxy", a  reminder of how tiny we are in the grand scheme of things.

As the moon set and the night grew darker, it seemed like the sky was holding its breath for the big show. We lay on the soft grass, surrounded by the scent of summer, and looked up at the stars. Every so often, a meteor streaked across the sky, leaving a bright trail that made everyone gasp. While experts recorded the details, we were happy just to enjoy the view. My husband, as usual, amazed me with his knowledge of the universe.

Time lost its meaning; two hours passed in the blink of an eye. If the next day weren't a workday, I would have stayed until dawn, watching the stars and daydreaming about the unknown. That night was more than just stargazing; it was a reminder of how small we are yet how connected we are to the vast sky above. Lying in the dark, feeling the breath of nature, and watching the sky adorned with shooting stars was something unforgettable. I was small, yet simultaneously part of something much larger.


Photo via Pixabay

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